Holly Hill Road East Community Development District Agenda January 14, 2025 Tuesday Lake Alfred Public Library January 14, 2025 245 N. Seminole Ave 11:00 a.m. Lake Alfred, FL 33850 Zoom Video Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81664804962 Zoom Call-In Information: 1-646-876-9923 Meeting ID: 816 6480 4962 Board of Supervisors Meeting 1. Roll Call 2. Organizational Matters A. Review of Letter(s) of Interest/Resume(s) for Vacancies in Seats 2 & 5 B. Appointment of Individuals to Fulfill Seats 2 & 5 C. Administration of Oath of Office to Newly Elected Supervisor D. Election of Officers E. Consideration of Resolution 2025-05 Electing Officers 3. Approval of Minutes of the November 12, 2024 Landowners' Meeting & Board of Supervisors Meeting 4. Presentation of Arbitrage Reports 5. Consideration of Data Sharing and Usage Agreement with Polk County Property Appraiser 6. Consideration of License Agreement with Citrus Reserve Association for Back to School Event 7. Staff Reports A. Attorney B. Engineer C. Field Manager’s Report D. District Manager’s Report i. Approval of Check Register ii. Balance Sheet & Income Statement 8. Other Business 9. Supervisors Requests and Audience Comments 10. Adjournment RESOLUTION 2025-05 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE HOLLY HILL ROAD EAST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT ELECTING THE OFFICERS OF THE HOLLY HILL ROAD EAST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (“District”), is a local unit of special-purpose government created and existing pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, being situated entirely within the City of Davenport, Florida; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the District (“Board”) desires to elect the Officers of the District. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE HOLLY HILL ROAD EAST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT: SECTION 1. The following persons are elected to the offices shown: Chairperson Vice Chairperson Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary SECTION 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of January 2025. ATTEST: _________________________________ Secretary/Assistant Secretary HOLLY HILL ROAD EAST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT ________________________________________ Chairperson/Vice Chairperson, Board of Supervisors MINUTES OF MEETING HOLLY HILL ROAD EAST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The Landowners’ meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Holly Hill Road East Community Development District was held on Tuesday, November 12, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. at the Lake Alfred Public Library, 245 N. Seminole Ave, Lake Alfred, Florida and via Zoom. Present were: Adam Morgan Rob Bonin Brent Kewley Barry Bichard Kayla Word Courtney Taylor Also, present were: Tricia Adams Grace Kobitter Marshall Tindall The following is a summary of the discussions and actions taken at the November 12, 2024 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District’s Landowners’ Meeting. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Determination of Number of Voting Units Represented Ms. Adams stated that one landowner is present at the meeting and one voting unit was represented. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order Ms. Adams called the meeting to order at 11:01 a.m. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Election of Chairman for the Purpose of Conducting Landowners’ Meeting Ms. Tricia Adams the District Manager will serve as Chair. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Nominations for the Positions of Supervisor (1) Ms. Adams asked for any nominations for seat #3 with a term effective immediately. Courtney Taylor nominated himself. Mr. Taylor is the only landowner represented at the meeting so there are no other nominations. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Casting of Ballots Ms. Adams stated one ballot was cast for Courtney Taylor for seat #3. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Tabulation of Ballots and Announcement of Results Ms. Adams stated seat #3 had a term ending in November of 2028. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Landowners Questions or Comments Ms. Adams asked for any landowners’ questions or comments. Mr. Morgan asked who was existing in seat #3. Ms. Adams stated Adam Morgan. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment Ms. Adams adjourned the landowners’ meeting. MINUTES OF MEETING HOLLY HILL ROAD EAST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Holly Hill Road East Community Development District was held on Tuesday, November 12, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. at the Lake Alfred Public Library, 245 N. Seminole Ave, Lake Alfred, Florida and via Zoom. Present and constituting a quorum were: Adam Morgan Chairman Rob Bonin Vice Chairman Brent Kewley Assistant Secretary Barry Bichard Assistant Secretary Courtney Taylor Appointed as Assistant Secretary Also, present were: Tricia Adams District Manager, GMS Grace Kobitter District Counsel, Kilinski Van Wyk Marshall Tindall Field Services Manager, GMS The following is a summary of the discussions and actions taken at the November 12, 2024 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District’s Regular Board of Supervisor’s Meeting. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Ms. Adams called the meeting to order. Five Board members were in attendance constituting a quorum. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Organizational Matters A. Administration of Oath of Office to Newly Elected Supervisor Ms. Kobitter reviewed the Sunshine Law, Public Records Law, and Ethics Law with Mr. Taylor. Ms. Adams administered the oath of office to Courtney Taylor. Mr. Taylor elected to receive compensation. B. Consideration of Resolution 2025-01 Canvassing and Certifying the Results of the Landowners’ Election Ms. Adams noted before this meeting was a landowners’ election and as a result of the election, Mr. Courtney Taylor was elected to seat #3 with a term expiring November 2028. On MOTION by Mr. Kewley, seconded by Mr. Bichard, with all in favor, Resolution 2025-01 Canvassing and Certifying the Results of the Landowners’ Election, was approved. Ms. Word resigned from seat #1. Ms. Adams asked for a motion to accept Kayla’s resignation and declare seat #1 vacant? On MOTION by Mr. Bichard, seconded by Mr. Bonin, with all in favor, the Resignation of Kayla Word and Declaring Seat #1 Vacant, was approved. Ms. Adams asked for a motion to make an appointment to seat #1? On MOTION by Mr. Kewley, seconded by Mr. Bichard, with all in favor, the Appointment of Adam Morgan to Seat #1 with Term Expiring November 2026, was approved. Ms. Adams administered the oath of office to Adam Morgan. Mr. Bichard resigned from seat #4 with a term expiring November 2026. Do we have a motion to accept the resignation of Barry Bichard and declare seat #4 vacant? On MOTION by Mr. Bonin, seconded by Mr. Morgan, with all in favor, the Resignation of Barry Bichard and Declaring Seat #4 Vacant, was approved. Mr. Bonin announced his resignation from seat #5. Ms. Adams asked for a motion to accept the resignation from seat #5 and declare the seat vacant. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Kewley, with all in favor, the Resignation of Rob Bonin and Declaring Seat #5 Vacant, was approved. Ms. Adams asked for a motion to make an appointment to seat #4 with the term expiring in November 2026. Mr. Morgan appointed Rob Bonin. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Kewley, with all in favor, the Appointment of Rob Bonin to Seat #4 with a Term Expiring November 2026, was approved. Mr. Kewley made a motion to appoint Barry Bichard to seat #5. On MOTION by Mr. Kewley, seconded by Mr. Morgan, with all in favor, the Appointment of Barry Bichard to Seat #5 with a Term Expiring November 2024, was approved. Ms. Adams administered the oath of office to Rob Bonin and Barry Bichard. C. Election of Officers D. Consideration of Resolution 2025-02 Electing Officers Ms. Adams stated the Board can keep the same slate of officers or consider reorganizing and take the positions one by one or nominate a slate of officers. Mr. Morgan stated he would be Chair and Rob Bonin as Vice Chair with everyone else Assistant Secretaries. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Bichard, with all in favor, Resolution 2025-02 Election of Officers – Keeping the Same Slate and Adding Rob Bonin as Vice Chair and Courtney Taylor as Assistant Secretary, was approved. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Minutes of the August 13, 2024 Board of Supervisors Meeting Ms. Adams presented the minutes from the August 13, 2024 Board of Supervisors meeting. These minutes have been reviewed by District Counsel and District Manager. If there are no corrections, is there a motion to approve as presented? On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Bichard, with all in favor, the Minutes of the August 13, 2024, Board of Supervisors Meeting, were approved. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Presentation of Engineering Certificates for Assessment Areas 3 and 4 Ms. Adams stated the Trust Indenture does require a process where as the engineer declares the project complete as well as close the construction accounts. They require certificates from the District Engineer and District Manager. These certificates have been transmitted to the Trustee. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Bichard, with all in favor, the Engineering Certificates for Assessment Areas 3 and 4, were approved. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Work Authorization 2025-1 Ms. Adams stated this is provided by the District engineering firm, Dewberry. The Board has engaged Dewberry for general engineering services. They do assert they are aware of the budget and their work should not exceed the budgeted estimate of $10,000 plus other direct costs. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Bichard, with all in favor, Work Authorization 2025-1, was approved. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Letter of Engagement for Fiscal Year 2024 Audit from McDirmit Davis Ms. Adams stated this is for annual audit services. The annual engagement letter includes the fee of $4,100 which is in accordance with the annual budget and audit service agreement. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Bichard, with all in favor, the Letter of Engagement for Fiscal Year 2024 Audit from McDirmit Davis, was approved. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Presentation of Arbitrage Reports Ms. Adams stated this is the Series 2020 bond issue arbitrage rebate calculation reports. The tax-exempt bonds that the District has issued are regulated by the IRS. The IRS requires the District to not earn more interest than what it pays. There is no rebate liability. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Bichard, with all in favor, the Arbitrage Reports, were approved. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2025-03 Declaring Board Vacancies Ms. Adams stated once the District has 250 registered voters and has been established for at least six years then the seats start to transition to the general election process. Noone went to the elections office and qualified so now there is a process where the Board declares these seats vacant until a qualified elector can be identified. These seats will be for terms starting November 19, 2024 and are 4-year terms. The Board can make an appointment of a qualified elector. Ms. Kobitter offered to take any questions regarding the vacancy process. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Bichard, with all in favor, Resolution 2025-03 Declaring Board Vacancies, was approved. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Renewal of Agreement for Security Services with Securitas Ms. Adams stated the agreement with Securitas is a confidential and exempt public record. This agreement is that the Board does a 12-month extension each year. There is no change to the price. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Bichard, with all in favor, the Renewal of Agreement for Security Services with Securitas for 12 More Months, was approved. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Ratification of Deed for Citrus Landing Tract F Ms. Adams noted the law firm KVW has done an extensive review of all of the tracts within the District to ensure everything has been properly conveyed from the developer to the District. One tract was identified that needed to be conveyed from Atlantic Capital. Ms. Kobitter noted this is an open space tract that should have been included in a prior deed but was missed. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Bichard, with all in favor, the Deed for Citrus Landing Tract F, was ratified. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of License Agreement with Northridge Estates Association for Special Event December 12th Ms. Adams stated this is a request from the HOA of Northridge Estates. The event would take place at the pool cabana on December 12th from 4:00-6:30. There would be a license agreement between the District and the association. The Northridge CDD is up to date with their payments. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Bichard, with all in favor, the License Agreement with Northridge Estates Association for Special Event December 12th, was approved. TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2025-04 Authorizing Legal Publications on Polk County Website Ms. Adams stated Florida Statutes now allow if the county government has a website that the CDD utilize that website for legal notices versus using the newspaper. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Bichard, with all in favor, Resolution 2025-04 Authorizing Legal Publications on Polk County Website, was approved. THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of License Agreement with Citrus Reserve Homeowners Association, Inc. for the Installation of No Solicitation Sign at Community Entrance Ms. Adams stated this is a request from an association in Holly Hill Road East within the Citrus Reserve Neighborhood for a no solicitation sign for the front entrance of the community. She explained those are related to the HOA and private property matters. If the Board wanted to grant permission to the HOA to install a sign, they would request a license agreement. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Bichard, with all in favor, the License Agreement with Citrus Reserve Homeowners Association, Inc. for the Installation of No Solicitation Sign at Community Entrance, was approved. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney i. Memorandum Regarding Seat Vacancies Ms. Kobitter stated this memorandum touches on the Resolution that the Board has already approved regarding the seat vacancies. B. Engineer There is no one from Dewberry in attendance. C. Field Manager’s Report i. Presentation of Proposal for Installation of No Parking Signs Mr. Tindall presented the Field Managers Report on page 113 of the agenda package. Mr. Tindall presented a request was put together for some no idling, no standing, and no stopping signs at the entrances to handle some issues with school related traffic. Option A includes 6 signs for Citrus Isle. Option B adds some additional signs beyond the complaints received. Ms. Adams noted the best course of enforcement is engaging the local law enforcement agency. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Bichard, with all in favor, the GMS Field Proposal, was approved. ii. Presentation of Proposal for Fiscal Year 2025 Pool Contract Renewal iii. Presentation of Proposal for Fiscal Year 2025 Janitorial Contract Renewal Mr. Tindal noted the pool vendor had a request for service increase this year and the budget is there for it. The extra service for the busy time of the year is included. The new total is $1,975 per month. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Bichard, with all in favor, the Proposal for Fiscal Year 2025 Pool Contract Renewal, was approved. Mr. Tindall presented a renewal for janitorial services as planned for and matches up with the budget. No change in the overall rate. It is $475 per month for 3 days a week service. Service will be increased during the summer months which is included as planned. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Bichard, with all in favor, the Proposal, for Fiscal Year 2025 Janitorial Contract Renewal, was approved. D. District Manager’s Report i. Approval of Check Register ii. Balance Sheet & Income Statement iii. Notice of Insurance Claim Filed Due to Hurricane Milton Damages Ms. Adams presented the check register from October 1st through October 31st totaling $45,814.95 for review. Immediately following the register is a detailed run summary of payments that were made. She offered to answer any questions. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Bichard, with all in favor, the Check Register totaling $45,814.95, was approved. Ms. Adams reviewed the unaudited financials through September 30th on page 134 of the agenda package. Ms. Adams noted on page 151 of the agenda package is a copy of the notice to the property insurance provider for extensive fence damage. It is likely the damages will exceed the deductible. FIFTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Other Business There being no comments, the next item followed. SIXTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisors Requests and Audience Comments There being no comments, the next item followed. SEVENTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Bichard, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned. Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman REBATE REPORT $4,160,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2017 Dated: November 9, 2017 Delivered: November 9, 2017 _____________________________________________________ Rebate Report to the Computation Date November 9, 2027 Reflecting Activity To October 31, 2024 TABLE OF CONTENTS AMTEC Opinion 3 Summary of Rebate Computations 4 Summary of Computational Information and Definitions 5 Methodology 7 Sources and Uses 8 Proof of Arbitrage Yield 9 Bond Debt Service 11 Arbitrage Rebate Calculation Detail Report – Acquisition & Construction Fund 13 Arbitrage Rebate Calculation Detail Report – Capitalized Interest Fund 16 Arbitrage Rebate Calculation Detail Report – Cost of Issuance Fund 17 Arbitrage Rebate Calculation Detail Report – Debt Service Reserve Fund 18 Arbitrage Rebate Calculation Detail Report – Amenity Project Fund 21 Arbitrage Rebate Calculation Detail Report – Rebate Computation Credits 22 November 21, 2024 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District c/o Ms. Katie Costa Director of Operations – Accounting Division Government Management Services – CF, LLC 6200 Lee Vista Boulevard, Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32822 Re: $4,160,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2017 Dear Ms. Costa: AMTEC has prepared certain computations relating to the above referenced bond issue (the “Bonds”) at the request of the Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (the “District”). The scope of our engagement consisted of preparing the computations shown in the attached schedules to determine the Rebatable Arbitrage as described in Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, Section 148(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and all applicable Regulations issued thereunder. The methodology used is consistent with current tax law and regulations and may be relied upon in determining the rebate liability. Certain computational methods used in the preparation of the schedules are described in the Summary of Computational Information and Definitions. Our engagement was limited to the computation of Rebatable Arbitrage based upon the information furnished to us by the District. In accordance with the terms of our engagement, we did not audit the information provided to us, and we express no opinion as to the completeness, accuracy or suitability of such information for purposes of calculating the Rebatable Arbitrage. We have scheduled our next Report as of October 31, 2025. Thank you for this engagement and should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, Michael J. Scarfo Senior Vice President Trong M. Tran Assistant Vice President SUMMARY OF REBATE COMPUTATIONS Our computations, contained in the attached schedules, are summarized as follows: For the November 9, 2027 Computation Date Reflecting Activity from November 9, 2017 through October 31, 2024 Fund Description Taxable Inv Yield Net Income Rebatable Arbitrage Acquisition & Construction Fund 0.940910% 8,832.19 (57,437.06) Capitalized Interest Fund 0.971913% 428.75 (2,675.33) Cost of Issuance Fund 0.728645% 0.74 (6.60) Debt Service Reserve Fund 1.893640% 15,712.63 (33,000.54) Amenity Project Fund 1.129843% 2,806.07 (14,350.43) Totals 1.338632% $27,780.38 $(107,469.96) Bond Yield 4.825345% Rebate Computation Credits (14,665.85) Net Rebatable Arbitrage $(122,135.81) Based upon our computations, no rebate liability exists. SUMMARY OF COMPUTATIONAL INFORMATION AND DEFINITIONS COMPUTATIONAL INFORMATION 1. For purposes of computing Rebatable Arbitrage, investment activity is reflected from November 9, 2017, the date of the closing, to October 31, 2024, the Computation Period. All nonpurpose payments and receipts are future valued to the Computation Date of November 9, 2027. 2. Computations of yield are based on a 360-day year and semiannual compounding on the last day of each compounding interval. Compounding intervals end on a day in the calendar year corresponding to Bond maturity dates or six months prior. 3. For investment cash flow, debt service and yield computation purposes, all payments and receipts are assumed to be paid or received respectively, as shown on the attached schedules. 4. Purchase prices on investments are assumed to be at fair market value, representing an arm's length transaction. 5. During the period between November 9, 2017 and October 31, 2024, the District made periodic payments into the Debt Service Fund that were used, along with the interest earned, to provide the required debt service payments. Under Section 148(f)(4)(A), the rebate requirement does not apply to amounts in certain bona fide debt service funds. The Regulations define a bona fide debt service fund as one that is used primarily to achieve a proper matching of revenues with principal and interest payments within each bond year. The fund must be depleted at least once each bond year, except for a reasonable carryover amount not to exceed the greater of the earnings on the fund for the immediately preceding bond year or 1/12th of the principal and interest payments on the issue for the immediately preceding bond year. We have reviewed the Debt Service Fund and have determined that the funds deposited have functioned as a bona fide debt service fund and are not subject to the rebate requirement. DEFINITIONS 6. Computation Date November 9, 2027. 7. Computation Period The period beginning on November 9, 2017, the date of the closing, and ending on October 31, 2024. 8. Bond Year Each one-year period (or shorter period from the date of issue) that ends at the close of business on the day in the calendar year that is selected by the Issuer. If no day is selected by the Issuer before the earlier of the final maturity date of the issue or the date that is five years after the date of issue, each bond year ends at the close of business on the anniversary date of the issuance. 9. Bond Yield The discount rate that, when used in computing the present value of all the unconditionally payable payments of principal and interest with respect to the Bonds, produces an amount equal to the present value of the issue price of the Bonds. Present value is computed as of the date of issue of the Bonds. 10. Taxable Investment Yield The discount rate that, when used in computing the present value of all receipts of principal and interest to be received on an investment during the Computation Period, produces an amount equal to the fair market value of the investment at the time it became a nonpurpose investment. 11. Issue Price The price determined on the basis of the initial offering price at which price a substantial amount of the Bonds was sold. 12. Rebatable Arbitrage The Code defines the required rebate as the excess of the amount earned on all nonpurpose investments over the amount that would have been earned if such nonpurpose investments were invested at the Bond Yield, plus any income attributable to the excess. Accordingly, the Regulations require that this amount be computed as the excess of the future value of all the nonpurpose receipts over the future value of all the nonpurpose payments. The future value is computed as of the Computation Date using the Bond Yield. 13. Funds and Accounts The Funds and Accounts activity used in the compilation of this Report was received from the District and US Bank, Trustee, as follows: Fund / Account Account Number Revenue 249066000 Interest 249066001 Sinking 249066002 Acquisition and Construction 249066003 Amenity Project 249066004 Debt Service Reserve 249066005 Cost of Issuance 249066006 Prepayment 249066007 General 249066008 METHODOLOGY Bond Yield The methodology used to calculate the bond yield was to determine the discount rate that produces the present value of all payments of principal and interest through the maturity date of the Bonds. Investment Yield and Rebate Amount The methodology used to calculate the Rebatable Arbitrage, as of October 31, 2024, was to calculate the future value of the disbursements from all funds, subject to rebate, and the value of the remaining bond proceeds, at the yield on the Bonds, to November 9, 2027. This figure was then compared to the future value of the deposit of bond proceeds into the various investment accounts at the same yield. The difference between the future values of the two cash flows, on November 9, 2027, is the Rebatable Arbitrage. $4,160,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2017 Delivered: November 9, 2017 Sources of Funds Par Amount $4,160,000.00 Net Original Issue Discount -13,423.30 Total $4,151,576.70 Uses of Funds Acquisition & Construction Fund $3,335,302.82 Amenity Project Fund 345,000.00 Debt Service Reserve Fund 132,279.69 Cost of Issuance Fund 158,300.00 Capitalized Interest Fund 92,494.19 Underwriter’s Discount 83,200.00 Total $4,146,576.70 Prepared by AMTEC (Finance 8.700) PROOF OF ARBITRAGE YIELD $4,160,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2017 Present Value to 11/09/2017 Date Debt Service @ 4.8253446801% 05/01/2018 92,494.19 90,410.93 11/01/2018 96,796.25 92,387.09 05/01/2019 166,796.25 155,448.08 11/01/2019 95,571.25 86,970.63 05/01/2020 165,571.25 147,121.65 11/01/2020 94,346.25 81,858.28 05/01/2021 169,346.25 143,469.59 11/01/2021 93,033.75 76,961.07 05/01/2022 168,033.75 135,729.23 11/01/2022 91,721.25 72,342.44 05/01/2023 171,721.25 132,249.34 11/01/2023 90,321.25 67,921.26 05/01/2024 175,321.25 128,735.00 11/01/2024 88,578.75 63,509.39 05/01/2025 173,578.75 121,520.97 11/01/2025 86,836.25 59,361.11 05/01/2026 176,836.25 118,037.11 11/01/2026 84,991.25 55,394.65 05/01/2027 179,991.25 114,548.99 11/01/2027 83,043.75 51,605.16 05/01/2028 183,043.75 111,067.60 11/01/2028 80,993.75 47,987.74 05/01/2029 185,993.75 107,602.77 11/01/2029 78,565.63 44,381.71 05/01/2030 183,565.63 101,253.27 11/01/2030 76,137.50 41,007.44 05/01/2031 186,137.50 97,891.32 11/01/2031 73,593.75 37,791.80 05/01/2032 188,593.75 94,564.95 11/01/2032 70,934.38 34,730.10 05/01/2033 195,934.38 93,671.21 11/01/2033 68,043.75 31,763.62 05/01/2034 198,043.75 90,271.21 11/01/2034 65,037.50 28,946.65 05/01/2035 200,037.50 86,934.49 11/01/2035 61,915.63 26,274.07 05/01/2036 201,915.63 83,664.89 11/01/2036 58,678.13 23,740.83 05/01/2037 208,678.13 82,440.92 11/01/2037 55,209.38 21,297.33 05/01/2038 210,209.38 79,179.11 11/01/2038 51,625.00 18,987.37 05/01/2039 216,625.00 77,796.44 11/01/2039 47,500.00 16,656.78 05/01/2040 217,500.00 74,473.71 11/01/2040 43,250.00 14,460.26 05/01/2041 223,250.00 72,883.26 11/01/2041 38,750.00 12,352.48 05/01/2042 228,750.00 71,201.65 11/01/2042 34,000.00 10,333.66 05/01/2043 234,000.00 69,444.43 11/01/2043 29,000.00 8,403.61 05/01/2044 239,000.00 67,625.74 11/01/2044 23,750.00 6,561.82 05/01/2045 243,750.00 65,758.42 11/01/2045 18,250.00 4,807.46 05/01/2046 248,250.00 63,854.07 Prepared by AMTEC (Finance 8.700) PROOF OF ARBITRAGE YIELD $4,160,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2017 Present Value to 11/09/2017 Date Debt Service @ 4.8253446801% 11/01/2046 12,500.00 3,139.47 05/01/2047 257,500.00 63,149.39 11/01/2047 6,375.00 1,526.58 05/01/2048 261,375.00 61,115.11 8,051,192.99 4,146,576.70 Proceeds Summary Delivery date 11/09/2017 Par Value 4,160,000.00 Premium (Discount) -13,423.30 Target for yield calculation 4,146,576.70 Prepared by AMTEC (Finance 8.700) BOND DEBT SERVICE $4,160,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2017 Period Annual Ending Principal Coupon Interest Debt Service Debt Service 11/09/2017 05/01/2018 92,494.19 92,494.19 92,494.19 11/01/2018 96,796.25 96,796.25 05/01/2019 70,000 3.500% 96,796.25 166,796.25 263,592.50 11/01/2019 95,571.25 95,571.25 05/01/2020 70,000 3.500% 95,571.25 165,571.25 261,142.50 11/01/2020 94,346.25 94,346.25 05/01/2021 75,000 3.500% 94,346.25 169,346.25 263,692.50 11/01/2021 93,033.75 93,033.75 05/01/2022 75,000 3.500% 93,033.75 168,033.75 261,067.50 11/01/2022 91,721.25 91,721.25 05/01/2023 80,000 3.500% 91,721.25 171,721.25 263,442.50 11/01/2023 90,321.25 90,321.25 05/01/2024 85,000 4.100% 90,321.25 175,321.25 265,642.50 11/01/2024 88,578.75 88,578.75 05/01/2025 85,000 4.100% 88,578.75 173,578.75 262,157.50 11/01/2025 86,836.25 86,836.25 05/01/2026 90,000 4.100% 86,836.25 176,836.25 263,672.50 11/01/2026 84,991.25 84,991.25 05/01/2027 95,000 4.100% 84,991.25 179,991.25 264,982.50 11/01/2027 83,043.75 83,043.75 05/01/2028 100,000 4.100% 83,043.75 183,043.75 266,087.50 11/01/2028 80,993.75 80,993.75 05/01/2029 105,000 4.625% 80,993.75 185,993.75 266,987.50 11/01/2029 78,565.63 78,565.63 05/01/2030 105,000 4.625% 78,565.63 183,565.63 262,131.26 11/01/2030 76,137.50 76,137.50 05/01/2031 110,000 4.625% 76,137.50 186,137.50 262,275.00 11/01/2031 73,593.75 73,593.75 05/01/2032 115,000 4.625% 73,593.75 188,593.75 262,187.50 11/01/2032 70,934.38 70,934.38 05/01/2033 125,000 4.625% 70,934.38 195,934.38 266,868.76 11/01/2033 68,043.75 68,043.75 05/01/2034 130,000 4.625% 68,043.75 198,043.75 266,087.50 11/01/2034 65,037.50 65,037.50 05/01/2035 135,000 4.625% 65,037.50 200,037.50 265,075.00 11/01/2035 61,915.63 61,915.63 05/01/2036 140,000 4.625% 61,915.63 201,915.63 263,831.26 11/01/2036 58,678.13 58,678.13 05/01/2037 150,000 4.625% 58,678.13 208,678.13 267,356.26 11/01/2037 55,209.38 55,209.38 05/01/2038 155,000 4.625% 55,209.38 210,209.38 265,418.76 11/01/2038 51,625.00 51,625.00 05/01/2039 165,000 5.000% 51,625.00 216,625.00 268,250.00 11/01/2039 47,500.00 47,500.00 05/01/2040 170,000 5.000% 47,500.00 217,500.00 265,000.00 11/01/2040 43,250.00 43,250.00 05/01/2041 180,000 5.000% 43,250.00 223,250.00 266,500.00 11/01/2041 38,750.00 38,750.00 05/01/2042 190,000 5.000% 38,750.00 228,750.00 267,500.00 11/01/2042 34,000.00 34,000.00 05/01/2043 200,000 5.000% 34,000.00 234,000.00 268,000.00 11/01/2043 29,000.00 29,000.00 05/01/2044 210,000 5.000% 29,000.00 239,000.00 268,000.00 11/01/2044 23,750.00 23,750.00 05/01/2045 220,000 5.000% 23,750.00 243,750.00 267,500.00 11/01/2045 18,250.00 18,250.00 05/01/2046 230,000 5.000% 18,250.00 248,250.00 266,500.00 Prepared by AMTEC (Finance 8.700) BOND DEBT SERVICE $4,160,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2017 Period Annual Ending Principal Coupon Interest Debt Service Debt Service 11/01/2046 12,500.00 12,500.00 05/01/2047 245,000 5.000% 12,500.00 257,500.00 270,000.00 11/01/2047 6,375.00 6,375.00 05/01/2048 255,000 5.000% 6,375.00 261,375.00 267,750.00 4,160,000 3,891,192.99 8,051,192.99 8,051,192.99 $4,160,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2017 Acquisition & Construction Fund ARBITRAGE REBATE CALCULATION DETAIL REPORT FUTURE VALUE @ RECEIPTS BOND YIELD OF DATE DESCRIPTION (PAYMENTS) (4.825345%) 11/09/17 Beg Bal -3,335,302.82 -5,372,906.03 11/14/17 49,818.00 80,199.68 11/14/17 37,073.73 59,683.28 11/14/17 85,934.45 138,341.88 11/14/17 3,000.00 4,829.56 11/14/17 5,692.07 9,163.40 11/21/17 3,000.00 4,825.09 11/21/17 396,988.85 638,501.67 12/06/17 3,000.00 4,815.51 12/19/17 26,547.00 42,539.13 12/19/17 157,645.71 252,612.77 12/19/17 3,000.00 4,807.22 12/19/17 18,438.98 29,546.77 12/19/17 217,026.61 347,765.21 12/19/17 1,000.00 1,602.41 01/04/18 3,000.00 4,797.68 01/09/18 11,157.98 17,832.34 01/09/18 277,595.10 443,643.92 01/09/18 30,850.00 49,303.52 01/16/18 2,310.50 3,689.15 01/16/18 12,375.00 19,759.02 01/17/18 3,000.00 4,789.43 01/24/18 12,375.00 19,738.09 01/29/18 2,567.35 4,092.21 01/29/18 12,837.50 20,462.22 01/29/18 18,400.00 29,328.52 02/08/18 10,721.00 17,068.29 02/08/18 102,618.00 163,372.21 02/08/18 3,000.00 4,776.13 02/08/18 1,504.50 2,395.23 02/08/18 298,238.77 474,808.78 02/08/18 -12,375.00 -19,701.53 02/20/18 3,000.00 4,768.54 02/23/18 4,150.00 6,593.86 03/01/18 5,075.35 8,055.60 03/12/18 15,013.00 23,793.94 03/12/18 3,000.00 4,754.67 03/12/18 235,412.25 373,102.37 03/14/18 116,962.55 185,323.60 03/15/18 -17,813.78 -28,221.65 03/21/18 1,145.00 1,812.54 03/21/18 11,498.89 18,202.76 03/21/18 3,000.00 4,749.00 03/21/18 522.50 827.12 03/21/18 20,790.00 32,910.60 03/28/18 2,400.00 3,795.68 04/04/18 3,000.00 4,740.83 04/04/18 318,725.27 503,674.53 $4,160,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2017 Acquisition & Construction Fund ARBITRAGE REBATE CALCULATION DETAIL REPORT FUTURE VALUE @ RECEIPTS BOND YIELD OF DATE DESCRIPTION (PAYMENTS) (4.825345%) 04/04/18 27,270.00 43,094.18 04/04/18 17,209.00 27,195.00 04/04/18 85,920.13 135,777.69 04/05/18 70,950.46 112,106.60 04/09/18 6,711.13 10,598.43 04/09/18 43,556.33 68,785.54 04/20/18 3,000.00 4,730.80 04/20/18 4,142.04 6,531.72 04/24/18 10,062.51 15,859.50 05/07/18 3,000.00 4,720.16 05/07/18 8,749.19 13,765.85 05/07/18 24,338.51 38,293.87 05/07/18 4,750.00 7,473.58 05/07/18 11,600.00 18,251.28 05/07/18 15,173.40 23,873.62 05/07/18 60,342.00 94,941.27 05/07/18 6,982.41 10,986.03 05/07/18 75.00 118.00 05/17/18 150,000.00 235,695.54 05/22/18 59,647.92 93,662.95 05/23/18 3,000.00 4,710.17 05/23/18 52,225.50 81,996.93 06/01/18 1,440.00 2,258.49 06/01/18 1,198.00 1,878.93 06/07/18 7,079.80 11,095.09 06/07/18 3,000.00 4,701.44 06/07/18 50,839.00 79,672.18 06/19/18 3,000.00 4,693.97 07/02/18 -11,600.00 -18,118.81 07/17/18 1,142.00 1,780.23 07/17/18 3,000.00 4,676.60 07/17/18 5,674.96 8,846.50 07/17/18 700.00 1,091.21 07/17/18 3,000.00 4,676.60 08/10/18 882.00 1,370.74 08/10/18 3,000.00 4,662.37 08/24/18 3,000.00 4,653.74 08/24/18 150.00 232.69 08/24/18 10,062.51 15,609.43 09/10/18 -0.01 -0.02 09/17/18 3,000.00 4,639.58 09/17/18 1,384.50 2,141.17 09/17/18 140.00 216.51 09/17/18 4,675.00 7,230.02 10/01/18 1,568.00 2,420.46 10/02/18 1,012.50 1,562.75 10/18/18 800.00 1,232.15 10/18/18 10,125.00 15,594.43 $4,160,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2017 Acquisition & Construction Fund ARBITRAGE REBATE CALCULATION DETAIL REPORT FUTURE VALUE @ RECEIPTS BOND YIELD OF DATE DESCRIPTION (PAYMENTS) (4.825345%) 12/11/18 31,580.27 48,299.40 12/26/18 882.00 1,346.27 04/17/19 500.00 752.05 05/16/19 160.00 239.73 07/23/19 9,811.82 14,571.56 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 11/09/27 TOTALS: 8,832.19 -57,437.06 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE DATE: 11/09/17 REBATABLE ARBITRAGE: -57,437.06 COMP DATE: 11/09/27 NET INCOME: 8,832.19 BOND YIELD: 4.825345% TAX INV YIELD: 0.940910% $4,160,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2017 Capitalized Interest Fund ARBITRAGE REBATE CALCULATION DETAIL REPORT FUTURE VALUE @ RECEIPTS BOND YIELD OF DATE DESCRIPTION (PAYMENTS) (4.825345%) 11/09/17 Beg Bal -92,494.19 -149,000.74 12/04/17 39.18 62.91 01/03/18 64.25 102.76 02/02/18 73.32 116.82 03/02/18 68.12 108.11 04/03/18 88.58 140.00 05/01/18 92,494.19 145,644.77 05/02/18 95.30 150.04 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 11/09/27 TOTALS: 428.75 -2,675.33 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE DATE: 11/09/17 REBATABLE ARBITRAGE: -2,675.33 COMP DATE: 11/09/27 NET INCOME: 428.75 BOND YIELD: 4.825345% TAX INV YIELD: 0.971913% $4,160,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2017 Cost of Issuance Fund ARBITRAGE REBATE CALCULATION DETAIL REPORT FUTURE VALUE @ RECEIPTS BOND YIELD OF DATE DESCRIPTION (PAYMENTS) (4.825345%) 11/09/17 Beg Bal -158,300.00 -255,008.64 11/09/17 23,000.00 37,051.16 11/09/17 38,000.00 61,214.96 11/09/17 42,500.00 68,464.10 11/09/17 5,000.00 8,054.60 11/09/17 44,000.00 70,880.48 11/10/17 4,501.00 7,249.79 11/27/17 1,250.00 2,008.86 05/23/18 49.74 78.09 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 11/09/27 TOTALS: 0.74 -6.60 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE DATE: 11/09/17 REBATABLE ARBITRAGE: -6.60 COMP DATE: 11/09/27 NET INCOME: 0.74 BOND YIELD: 4.825345% TAX INV YIELD: 0.728645% $4,160,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2017 Debt Service Reserve Fund ARBITRAGE REBATE CALCULATION DETAIL REPORT FUTURE VALUE @ RECEIPTS BOND YIELD OF DATE DESCRIPTION (PAYMENTS) (4.825345%) 11/09/17 Beg Bal -132,279.69 -213,092.00 12/04/17 56.04 89.98 01/03/18 91.88 146.96 02/02/18 104.86 167.07 03/02/18 97.42 154.60 04/03/18 126.69 200.23 05/02/18 136.29 214.58 06/04/18 146.05 228.97 07/03/18 152.97 238.90 08/02/18 166.45 258.96 09/05/18 170.81 264.58 10/02/18 173.15 267.25 10/23/18 17,401.57 26,783.99 11/02/18 191.51 294.42 12/04/18 172.71 264.39 01/03/19 187.63 286.13 02/04/19 197.27 299.60 03/04/19 176.44 266.90 04/02/19 197.21 297.21 05/02/19 192.05 288.29 06/04/19 195.50 292.23 07/02/19 184.89 275.35 08/02/19 189.34 280.85 09/04/19 168.16 248.38 10/02/19 159.69 235.00 11/04/19 143.26 209.93 12/03/19 122.35 178.60 01/03/20 120.08 174.59 02/04/20 116.66 168.92 03/03/20 108.82 156.97 04/02/20 47.38 68.08 05/04/20 0.57 0.82 06/02/20 0.59 0.84 07/02/20 0.57 0.81 08/04/20 0.59 0.83 09/02/20 0.59 0.83 10/02/20 0.57 0.80 10/23/20 440.62 616.50 11/03/20 0.58 0.81 12/02/20 0.57 0.79 01/05/21 0.58 0.80 02/02/21 0.58 0.80 03/02/21 0.53 0.73 04/02/21 0.58 0.79 05/04/21 660.94 901.67 05/04/21 0.57 0.78 06/02/21 0.58 0.79 07/02/21 0.56 0.76 $4,160,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2017 Debt Service Reserve Fund ARBITRAGE REBATE CALCULATION DETAIL REPORT FUTURE VALUE @ RECEIPTS BOND YIELD OF DATE DESCRIPTION (PAYMENTS) (4.825345%) 08/03/21 0.58 0.78 09/02/21 0.58 0.78 10/04/21 0.56 0.75 11/02/21 0.58 0.77 12/02/21 0.56 0.74 12/30/21 0.01 0.01 01/04/22 0.58 0.77 02/02/22 0.58 0.76 03/02/22 0.52 0.68 04/04/22 0.58 0.76 05/03/22 0.56 0.73 06/02/22 28.68 37.17 07/05/22 65.49 84.50 08/02/22 114.34 147.00 09/02/22 172.25 220.57 10/04/22 196.77 250.90 11/02/22 257.72 327.41 12/02/22 314.07 397.41 01/04/23 354.84 447.10 02/02/23 377.81 474.28 03/02/23 362.13 452.80 04/04/23 409.35 509.67 05/02/23 413.37 512.77 06/02/23 449.70 555.63 07/05/23 440.15 541.46 08/02/23 459.88 563.71 09/05/23 477.49 582.74 10/03/23 462.39 562.22 11/02/23 478.74 579.87 12/04/23 464.38 560.10 12/22/23 0.11 0.13 01/03/24 479.71 576.37 02/02/24 477.40 571.40 03/04/24 444.74 530.05 04/02/24 474.42 563.34 05/02/24 458.12 541.82 06/04/24 473.62 557.79 07/02/24 458.20 537.63 08/02/24 472.82 552.58 09/04/24 470.88 547.99 10/02/24 440.26 510.46 $4,160,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2017 Debt Service Reserve Fund ARBITRAGE REBATE CALCULATION DETAIL REPORT FUTURE VALUE @ RECEIPTS BOND YIELD OF DATE DESCRIPTION (PAYMENTS) (4.825345%) 10/31/24 Bal 113,776.56 131,429.45 10/31/24 Acc 454.94 525.53 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 11/09/27 TOTALS: 15,712.63 -33,000.54 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE DATE: 11/09/17 REBATABLE ARBITRAGE: -33,000.54 COMP DATE: 11/09/27 NET INCOME: 15,712.63 BOND YIELD: 4.825345% TAX INV YIELD: 1.893640% $4,160,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2017 Amenity Project Fund ARBITRAGE REBATE CALCULATION DETAIL REPORT FUTURE VALUE @ RECEIPTS BOND YIELD OF DATE DESCRIPTION (PAYMENTS) (4.825345%) 11/09/17 Beg Bal -345,000.00 -555,767.40 03/01/18 27,880.00 44,251.14 03/21/18 10,000.00 15,830.01 03/21/18 10,062.51 15,928.97 03/28/18 500.00 790.77 04/09/18 1,600.00 2,526.77 04/24/18 -10,062.51 -15,859.50 05/07/18 4,800.00 7,552.25 06/01/18 5,000.00 7,841.96 06/12/18 300.00 469.83 06/12/18 850.00 1,331.19 06/19/18 6,235.00 9,755.64 08/13/18 3,025.00 4,699.36 08/21/18 280,000.00 434,521.44 08/24/18 3,000.00 4,653.74 09/13/18 -300.00 -464.20 09/14/18 315.00 487.35 10/03/18 2,000.00 3,086.51 10/03/18 615.56 949.97 10/03/18 1,978.98 3,054.07 07/23/19 6.53 9.70 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 11/09/27 TOTALS: 2,806.07 -14,350.43 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE DATE: 11/09/17 REBATABLE ARBITRAGE: -14,350.43 COMP DATE: 11/09/27 NET INCOME: 2,806.07 BOND YIELD: 4.825345% TAX INV YIELD: 1.129843% $4,160,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2017 Rebate Computation Credits ARBITRAGE REBATE CALCULATION DETAIL REPORT FUTURE VALUE @ RECEIPTS BOND YIELD OF DATE DESCRIPTION (PAYMENTS) (4.825345%) 11/09/18 -1,700.00 -2,611.05 11/09/19 -1,730.00 -2,533.41 11/09/20 -1,760.00 -2,457.34 11/09/21 -1,780.00 -2,369.54 11/09/22 -1,830.00 -2,322.67 11/09/23 -1,960.00 -2,371.84 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 11/09/27 TOTALS: -10,760.00 -14,665.85 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE DATE: 11/09/17 REBATABLE ARBITRAGE: -14,665.85 COMP DATE: 11/09/27 BOND YIELD: 4.825345% REBATE REPORT $2,800,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2018 Dated: November 15, 2018 Delivered: November 15, 2018 _____________________________________________________ Rebate Report to the Computation Date November 15, 2028 Reflecting Activity To October 31, 2024 TABLE OF CONTENTS AMTEC Opinion 3 Summary of Rebate Computations 4 Summary of Computational Information and Definitions 5 Methodology 7 Sources and Uses 8 Proof of Arbitrage Yield 9 Bond Debt Service 11 Arbitrage Rebate Calculation Detail Report – Acquisition & Construction Fund 13 Arbitrage Rebate Calculation Detail Report – Cost of Issuance Fund 15 Arbitrage Rebate Calculation Detail Report – Capitalized Interest Fund 16 Arbitrage Rebate Calculation Detail Report – Debt Service Reserve Fund 17 Arbitrage Rebate Calculation Detail Report – Rebate Computation Credits 19 November 21, 2024 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District c/o Ms. Katie Costa Director of Operations – Accounting Division Government Management Services – CF, LLC 6200 Lee Vista Boulevard, Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32822 Re: $2,800,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2018 Dear Ms. Costa: AMTEC has prepared certain computations relating to the above referenced bond issue (the “Bonds”) at the request of the Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (the “District”). The scope of our engagement consisted of preparing the computations shown in the attached schedules to determine the Rebatable Arbitrage as described in Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, Section 148(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and all applicable Regulations issued thereunder. The methodology used is consistent with current tax law and regulations and may be relied upon in determining the rebate liability. Certain computational methods used in the preparation of the schedules are described in the Summary of Computational Information and Definitions. Our engagement was limited to the computation of Rebatable Arbitrage based upon the information furnished to us by the District. In accordance with the terms of our engagement, we did not audit the information provided to us, and we express no opinion as to the completeness, accuracy or suitability of such information for purposes of calculating the Rebatable Arbitrage. We have scheduled our next Report as of October 31, 2025. Thank you and should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, Michael J. Scarfo Senior Vice President Trong M. Tran Assistant Vice President SUMMARY OF REBATE COMPUTATIONS Our computations, contained in the attached schedules, are summarized as follows: For the November 15, 2028 Computation Date Reflecting Activity from November 15, 2018 through October 31, 2024 Fund Description Taxable Inv Yield Net Income Rebatable Arbitrage Acquisition & Construction Fund 1.683499% 7,893.09 (26,607.36) Cost of Issuance Fund 0.000000% 0.00 0.00 Capitalized Interest Fund 1.976644% 595.74 (1,559.55) Debt Service Reserve Fund 2.006266% 8,669.29 (19,647.24) Totals 1.839332% $17,158.12 $(47,814.15) Bond Yield 5.162028% Rebate Computation Credits (12,939.35) Net Rebatable Arbitrage $(60,753.50) Based upon our computations, no rebate liability exists. SUMMARY OF COMPUTATIONAL INFORMATION AND DEFINITIONS COMPUTATIONAL INFORMATION 1. For purposes of computing Rebatable Arbitrage, investment activity is reflected from November 15, 2018, the date of the closing, to October 31, 2024, the Computation Period. All nonpurpose payments and receipts are future valued to the Computation Date of November 15, 2028. 2. Computations of yield are based on a 360-day year and semiannual compounding on the last day of each compounding interval. Compounding intervals end on a day in the calendar year corresponding to Bond maturity dates or six months prior. 3. For investment cash flow, debt service and yield computation purposes, all payments and receipts are assumed to be paid or received respectively, as shown on the attached schedules. 4. Purchase prices on investments are assumed to be at fair market value, representing an arm's length transaction. 5. During the period between November 15, 2018 and October 31, 2024, the District made periodic payments into the Debt Service Fund that were used, along with the interest earned, to provide the required debt service payments. Under Section 148(f)(4)(A), the rebate requirement does not apply to amounts in certain bona fide debt service funds. The Regulations define a bona fide debt service fund as one that is used primarily to achieve a proper matching of revenues with principal and interest payments within each bond year. The fund must be depleted at least once each bond year, except for a reasonable carryover amount not to exceed the greater of the earnings on the fund for the immediately preceding bond year or 1/12th of the principal and interest payments on the issue for the immediately preceding bond year. We have reviewed the Debt Service Fund and have determined that the funds deposited have functioned as a bona fide debt service fund and are not subject to the rebate requirement. DEFINITIONS 6. Computation Date November 15, 2028. 7. Computation Period The period beginning on November 15, 2018, the date of the closing, and ending on October 31, 2024. 8. Bond Year Each one-year period (or shorter period from the date of issue) that ends at the close of business on the day in the calendar year that is selected by the Issuer. If no day is selected by the Issuer before the earlier of the final maturity date of the issue or the date that is five years after the date of issue, each bond year ends at the close of business on the anniversary date of the issuance. 9. Bond Yield The discount rate that, when used in computing the present value of all the unconditionally payable payments of principal and interest with respect to the Bonds, produces an amount equal to the present value of the issue price of the Bonds. Present value is computed as of the date of issue of the Bonds. 10. Taxable Investment Yield The discount rate that, when used in computing the present value of all receipts of principal and interest to be received on an investment during the Computation Period, produces an amount equal to the fair market value of the investment at the time it became a nonpurpose investment. 11. Issue Price The price determined on the basis of the initial offering price at which price a substantial amount of the Bonds was sold. 12. Rebatable Arbitrage The Code defines the required rebate as the excess of the amount earned on all nonpurpose investments over the amount that would have been earned if such nonpurpose investments were invested at the Bond Yield, plus any income attributable to the excess. Accordingly, the Regulations require that this amount be computed as the excess of the future value of all the nonpurpose receipts over the future value of all the nonpurpose payments. The future value is computed as of the Computation Date using the Bond Yield. 13. Funds and Accounts The Funds and Accounts activity used in the compilation of this Report was received from the District and US Bank, Trustee, as follows: Fund / Account Account Number Revenue 26758000 Acquisition & Construction 26758001 Interest 26758002 Sinking 26758003 Prepayment 26758004 Debt Service Reserve 26758005 METHODOLOGY Bond Yield The methodology used to calculate the bond yield was to determine the discount rate that produces the present value of all payments of principal and interest through the maturity date of the Bonds. Investment Yield and Rebate Amount The methodology used to calculate the Rebatable Arbitrage, as of October 31, 2024, was to calculate the future value of the disbursements from all funds, subject to rebate, and the value of the remaining bond proceeds, at the yield on the Bonds, to November 15, 2028. This figure was then compared to the future value of the deposit of bond proceeds into the various investment accounts at the same yield. The difference between the future values of the two cash flows, on November 15, 2028, is the Rebatable Arbitrage. $2,800,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2018 Delivered: November 15, 2018 Sources of Funds Par Amount $2,800,000.00 Total $2,800,000.00 Uses of Funds Acquisition & Construction Fund $2,408,268.74 Debt Service Reserve Fund 141,759.38 Cost of Issuance Fund 114,350.00 Capitalized Interest Fund 65,621.88 Underwriter’s Discount 70,000.00 Total $2,800,000.00 Prepared by AMTEC (Finance 8.700) PROOF OF ARBITRAGE YIELD $2,800,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2018 Present Value to 11/15/2018 Date Debt Service @ 5.1620283635% 05/01/2019 65,621.88 64,097.70 11/01/2019 71,156.25 67,754.76 05/01/2020 116,156.25 107,820.76 11/01/2020 70,200.00 63,522.84 05/01/2021 115,200.00 101,619.79 11/01/2021 69,243.75 59,544.19 05/01/2022 119,243.75 99,960.28 11/01/2022 68,181.25 55,717.27 05/01/2023 118,181.25 94,146.99 11/01/2023 67,118.75 52,123.64 05/01/2024 122,118.75 92,449.86 11/01/2024 65,950.00 48,671.16 05/01/2025 120,950.00 87,015.33 11/01/2025 64,575.00 45,288.44 05/01/2026 124,575.00 85,170.04 11/01/2026 63,075.00 42,038.40 05/01/2027 123,075.00 79,963.50 11/01/2027 61,575.00 38,999.53 05/01/2028 126,575.00 78,151.25 11/01/2028 59,950.00 36,083.63 05/01/2029 129,950.00 76,248.32 11/01/2029 58,200.00 33,289.71 05/01/2030 128,200.00 71,483.87 11/01/2030 56,450.00 30,684.35 05/01/2031 131,450.00 69,654.09 11/01/2031 54,575.00 28,191.15 05/01/2032 134,575.00 67,766.72 11/01/2032 52,575.00 25,808.60 05/01/2033 137,575.00 65,835.12 11/01/2033 50,450.00 23,534.90 05/01/2034 140,450.00 63,871.32 11/01/2034 48,200.00 21,368.01 05/01/2035 138,200.00 59,725.28 11/01/2035 45,950.00 19,358.36 05/01/2036 140,950.00 57,887.03 11/01/2036 43,575.00 17,445.63 05/01/2037 143,575.00 56,035.21 11/01/2037 40,950.00 15,580.06 05/01/2038 150,950.00 55,986.24 11/01/2038 38,062.50 13,761.90 05/01/2039 153,062.50 53,948.96 11/01/2039 35,043.75 12,040.87 05/01/2040 155,043.75 51,931.94 11/01/2040 31,893.75 10,414.03 05/01/2041 156,893.75 49,940.39 11/01/2041 28,612.50 8,878.41 05/01/2042 163,612.50 49,491.29 11/01/2042 25,068.75 7,392.27 05/01/2043 165,068.75 47,450.76 11/01/2043 21,393.75 5,995.13 05/01/2044 166,393.75 45,454.97 11/01/2044 17,587.50 4,683.62 05/01/2045 172,587.50 44,804.30 11/01/2045 13,518.75 3,421.21 05/01/2046 178,518.75 44,041.31 Prepared by AMTEC (Finance 8.700) PROOF OF ARBITRAGE YIELD $2,800,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2018 Present Value to 11/15/2018 Date Debt Service @ 5.1620283635% 11/01/2046 9,187.50 2,209.56 05/01/2047 179,187.50 42,009.75 11/01/2047 4,725.00 1,079.88 05/01/2048 184,725.00 41,156.09 5,539,709.38 2,800,000.00 Proceeds Summary Delivery date 11/15/2018 Par Value 2,800,000.00 Target for yield calculation 2,800,000.00 Prepared by AMTEC (Finance 8.700) BOND DEBT SERVICE $2,800,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2018 Period Annual Ending Principal Coupon Interest Debt Service Debt Service 11/15/2018 05/01/2019 65,621.88 65,621.88 65,621.88 11/01/2019 71,156.25 71,156.25 05/01/2020 45,000 4.250% 71,156.25 116,156.25 187,312.50 11/01/2020 70,200.00 70,200.00 05/01/2021 45,000 4.250% 70,200.00 115,200.00 185,400.00 11/01/2021 69,243.75 69,243.75 05/01/2022 50,000 4.250% 69,243.75 119,243.75 188,487.50 11/01/2022 68,181.25 68,181.25 05/01/2023 50,000 4.250% 68,181.25 118,181.25 186,362.50 11/01/2023 67,118.75 67,118.75 05/01/2024 55,000 4.250% 67,118.75 122,118.75 189,237.50 11/01/2024 65,950.00 65,950.00 05/01/2025 55,000 5.000% 65,950.00 120,950.00 186,900.00 11/01/2025 64,575.00 64,575.00 05/01/2026 60,000 5.000% 64,575.00 124,575.00 189,150.00 11/01/2026 63,075.00 63,075.00 05/01/2027 60,000 5.000% 63,075.00 123,075.00 186,150.00 11/01/2027 61,575.00 61,575.00 05/01/2028 65,000 5.000% 61,575.00 126,575.00 188,150.00 11/01/2028 59,950.00 59,950.00 05/01/2029 70,000 5.000% 59,950.00 129,950.00 189,900.00 11/01/2029 58,200.00 58,200.00 05/01/2030 70,000 5.000% 58,200.00 128,200.00 186,400.00 11/01/2030 56,450.00 56,450.00 05/01/2031 75,000 5.000% 56,450.00 131,450.00 187,900.00 11/01/2031 54,575.00 54,575.00 05/01/2032 80,000 5.000% 54,575.00 134,575.00 189,150.00 11/01/2032 52,575.00 52,575.00 05/01/2033 85,000 5.000% 52,575.00 137,575.00 190,150.00 11/01/2033 50,450.00 50,450.00 05/01/2034 90,000 5.000% 50,450.00 140,450.00 190,900.00 11/01/2034 48,200.00 48,200.00 05/01/2035 90,000 5.000% 48,200.00 138,200.00 186,400.00 11/01/2035 45,950.00 45,950.00 05/01/2036 95,000 5.000% 45,950.00 140,950.00 186,900.00 11/01/2036 43,575.00 43,575.00 05/01/2037 100,000 5.250% 43,575.00 143,575.00 187,150.00 11/01/2037 40,950.00 40,950.00 05/01/2038 110,000 5.250% 40,950.00 150,950.00 191,900.00 11/01/2038 38,062.50 38,062.50 05/01/2039 115,000 5.250% 38,062.50 153,062.50 191,125.00 11/01/2039 35,043.75 35,043.75 05/01/2040 120,000 5.250% 35,043.75 155,043.75 190,087.50 11/01/2040 31,893.75 31,893.75 05/01/2041 125,000 5.250% 31,893.75 156,893.75 188,787.50 11/01/2041 28,612.50 28,612.50 05/01/2042 135,000 5.250% 28,612.50 163,612.50 192,225.00 11/01/2042 25,068.75 25,068.75 05/01/2043 140,000 5.250% 25,068.75 165,068.75 190,137.50 11/01/2043 21,393.75 21,393.75 05/01/2044 145,000 5.250% 21,393.75 166,393.75 187,787.50 11/01/2044 17,587.50 17,587.50 05/01/2045 155,000 5.250% 17,587.50 172,587.50 190,175.00 11/01/2045 13,518.75 13,518.75 05/01/2046 165,000 5.250% 13,518.75 178,518.75 192,037.50 Prepared by AMTEC (Finance 8.700) BOND DEBT SERVICE $2,800,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2018 Period Annual Ending Principal Coupon Interest Debt Service Debt Service 11/01/2046 9,187.50 9,187.50 05/01/2047 170,000 5.250% 9,187.50 179,187.50 188,375.00 11/01/2047 4,725.00 4,725.00 05/01/2048 180,000 5.250% 4,725.00 184,725.00 189,450.00 2,800,000 2,739,709.38 5,539,709.38 5,539,709.38 $2,800,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2018 Acquisition & Construction Fund ARBITRAGE REBATE CALCULATION DETAIL REPORT FUTURE VALUE @ RECEIPTS BOND YIELD OF DATE DESCRIPTION (PAYMENTS) (5.162028%) 11/15/18 Beg Bal -2,408,268.74 -4,009,079.95 11/21/18 106,624.37 177,348.43 11/21/18 168,834.26 280,822.21 11/21/18 5,846.84 9,725.06 11/21/18 3,000.00 4,989.90 12/06/18 56,909.90 94,457.50 12/06/18 86,257.30 143,167.51 12/06/18 25,755.20 42,747.78 12/06/18 318,431.37 528,523.70 12/11/18 3,000.00 4,975.79 12/17/18 1,425.50 2,362.32 12/26/18 127,389.60 210,839.96 01/15/19 3,000.00 4,951.90 01/15/19 4,635.45 7,651.43 01/17/19 38,170.98 62,988.48 01/17/19 357,472.07 589,888.49 01/30/19 3,000.00 4,941.40 01/30/19 82,581.80 136,023.16 01/30/19 2,056.92 3,388.02 02/11/19 580.06 953.95 02/11/19 19,325.23 31,781.68 02/11/19 3,000.00 4,933.71 02/11/19 343.00 564.09 02/11/19 247,218.47 406,567.93 02/11/19 2,200.00 3,618.05 02/11/19 53,479.77 87,951.19 02/19/19 3,000.00 4,928.12 02/19/19 2,166.00 3,558.11 02/25/19 3,032.80 4,977.77 02/25/19 32,095.80 52,679.26 02/25/19 6,632.49 10,885.99 02/25/19 36,000.00 59,087.27 03/04/19 3,000.00 4,917.67 03/04/19 781.50 1,281.05 03/04/19 12,653.08 20,741.22 03/13/19 113,977.23 186,596.22 03/13/19 5,306.38 8,687.27 03/13/19 500.00 818.57 03/21/19 10,013.30 16,374.58 03/21/19 83,621.93 136,745.51 03/27/19 3,000.00 4,901.68 04/03/19 13,300.00 21,712.34 04/03/19 6,989.56 11,410.51 04/03/19 216,010.70 352,639.00 04/03/19 747.62 1,220.49 04/17/19 4,750.00 7,739.05 04/17/19 3,000.00 4,887.82 04/17/19 386.50 629.71 $2,800,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2018 Acquisition & Construction Fund ARBITRAGE REBATE CALCULATION DETAIL REPORT FUTURE VALUE @ RECEIPTS BOND YIELD OF DATE DESCRIPTION (PAYMENTS) (5.162028%) 04/17/19 -500.00 -814.64 04/17/19 42,564.00 69,348.45 04/22/19 307.00 499.83 04/22/19 3,000.00 4,884.37 04/22/19 39,957.00 65,054.86 04/22/19 2,671.00 4,348.71 05/07/19 1,500.00 2,437.00 05/07/19 30,246.61 49,140.70 05/07/19 3,850.00 6,254.97 05/07/19 10,785.49 17,522.84 06/05/19 -47,253.13 -76,466.94 06/25/19 47,470.95 76,602.22 11/15/23 de minimis 59.93 77.32 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 11/15/28 TOTALS: 7,893.09 -26,607.36 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE DATE: 11/15/18 REBATABLE ARBITRAGE: -26,607.36 COMP DATE: 11/15/28 NET INCOME: 7,893.09 BOND YIELD: 5.162028% TAX INV YIELD: 1.683499% $2,800,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2018 Cost of Issuance Fund ARBITRAGE REBATE CALCULATION DETAIL REPORT FUTURE VALUE @ RECEIPTS BOND YIELD OF DATE DESCRIPTION (PAYMENTS) (5.162028%) 11/15/18 Beg Bal -114,350.00 -190,360.11 11/15/18 114,350.00 190,360.11 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 11/15/28 TOTALS: 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE DATE: 11/15/18 REBATABLE ARBITRAGE: 0.00 COMP DATE: 11/15/28 NET INCOME: 0.00 BOND YIELD: 5.162028% TAX INV YIELD: 0.000000% $2,800,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2018 Capitalized Interest Fund ARBITRAGE REBATE CALCULATION DETAIL REPORT FUTURE VALUE @ RECEIPTS BOND YIELD OF DATE DESCRIPTION (PAYMENTS) (5.162028%) 11/15/18 Beg Bal -65,621.88 -109,241.70 12/04/18 52.85 87.74 01/03/19 107.18 177.22 02/04/19 112.68 185.49 03/04/19 100.79 165.22 04/02/19 112.65 183.93 05/01/19 65,621.67 106,704.03 05/02/19 109.71 178.37 05/09/19 0.09 0.15 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 11/15/28 TOTALS: 595.74 -1,559.55 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE DATE: 11/15/18 REBATABLE ARBITRAGE: -1,559.55 COMP DATE: 11/15/28 NET INCOME: 595.74 BOND YIELD: 5.162028% TAX INV YIELD: 1.976644% $2,800,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2018 Debt Service Reserve Fund ARBITRAGE REBATE CALCULATION DETAIL REPORT FUTURE VALUE @ RECEIPTS BOND YIELD OF DATE DESCRIPTION (PAYMENTS) (5.162028%) 11/15/18 Beg Bal -141,759.38 -235,988.90 12/04/18 114.17 189.55 01/03/19 231.53 382.82 02/04/19 243.43 400.73 03/04/19 217.73 356.91 04/02/19 243.35 397.33 05/02/19 236.99 385.30 06/04/19 241.24 390.44 06/05/19 47,253.13 76,466.94 07/02/19 162.45 261.88 08/02/19 155.76 250.03 09/04/19 138.34 221.06 09/26/19 31,134.37 49,597.36 10/02/19 124.66 198.42 11/04/19 79.03 125.22 12/03/19 67.49 106.50 01/03/20 66.24 104.08 02/04/20 64.36 100.68 03/02/20 60.03 93.54 04/02/20 26.14 40.56 05/04/20 0.32 0.49 06/02/20 0.32 0.49 07/02/20 0.31 0.47 08/04/20 0.32 0.49 09/02/20 0.32 0.49 10/02/20 0.31 0.47 10/23/20 1,015.63 1,531.65 11/03/20 0.32 0.48 12/02/20 0.31 0.46 01/05/21 0.32 0.48 02/02/21 0.32 0.48 03/02/21 0.29 0.43 04/02/21 0.32 0.47 05/04/21 131.25 192.66 05/04/21 0.31 0.46 06/02/21 0.32 0.47 07/02/21 0.31 0.45 08/03/21 0.32 0.46 09/02/21 0.32 0.46 10/04/21 0.31 0.45 11/02/21 0.32 0.46 12/02/21 0.31 0.44 12/30/21 0.01 0.01 01/04/22 0.32 0.45 02/02/22 131.25 185.48 02/02/22 0.32 0.45 03/02/22 0.29 0.41 04/04/22 0.32 0.45 $2,800,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2018 Debt Service Reserve Fund ARBITRAGE REBATE CALCULATION DETAIL REPORT FUTURE VALUE @ RECEIPTS BOND YIELD OF DATE DESCRIPTION (PAYMENTS) (5.162028%) 05/03/22 0.31 0.43 06/02/22 15.65 21.74 07/05/22 35.74 49.43 08/02/22 62.40 85.96 09/02/22 94.00 128.95 10/04/22 107.39 146.65 11/01/22 187.50 255.07 11/02/22 140.65 191.31 12/02/22 170.89 231.46 01/04/23 193.07 260.32 02/02/23 205.57 276.08 03/02/23 197.04 263.50 04/04/23 222.73 296.51 05/02/23 224.91 298.23 05/03/23 250.00 331.45 06/02/23 243.75 321.84 07/05/23 238.52 313.46 08/02/23 249.21 326.26 09/05/23 258.76 337.19 10/03/23 250.57 325.22 11/02/23 259.43 335.34 12/04/23 251.65 323.82 12/22/23 0.06 0.08 01/03/24 259.96 333.14 02/02/24 258.71 330.18 03/04/24 241.01 306.20 04/02/24 257.09 325.34 05/02/24 248.26 312.83 06/04/24 256.66 321.95 07/02/24 248.30 310.23 08/02/24 256.22 318.77 09/04/24 255.17 316.03 10/02/24 238.58 294.32 10/31/24 Bal 61,656.25 75,759.18 10/31/24 Acc 246.53 302.92 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 11/15/28 TOTALS: 8,669.29 -19,647.24 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE DATE: 11/15/18 REBATABLE ARBITRAGE: -19,647.24 COMP DATE: 11/15/28 NET INCOME: 8,669.29 BOND YIELD: 5.162028% TAX INV YIELD: 2.006266% $2,800,000 Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (City of Davenport, Florida) Special Assessment Bonds, Series 2018 Rebate Computation Credits ARBITRAGE REBATE CALCULATION DETAIL REPORT FUTURE VALUE @ RECEIPTS BOND YIELD OF DATE DESCRIPTION (PAYMENTS) (5.162028%) 11/15/19 -1,730.00 -2,736.86 11/15/20 -1,760.00 -2,645.97 11/15/21 -1,780.00 -2,543.07 11/15/22 -1,830.00 -2,484.59 11/15/23 -1,960.00 -2,528.87 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 11/15/28 TOTALS: -9,060.00 -12,939.35 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE DATE: 11/15/18 REBATABLE ARBITRAGE: -12,939.35 COMP DATE: 11/15/28 BOND YIELD: 5.162028% Polk County Property Appraiser POLK COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER 2025 Data Sharing and Usage Agreement (Enter Agency Name) Holly Hill Road East CDD FS 119.071 FS 282.3185 FS 501.171 This Data Sharing and Usage Agreement, hereinafter referred to as “Agreement,” establishes the terms and conditions under which the _________________________________________________________________________ hereinafter referred to as “agency,” can acquire and use Polk County Property Appraiser data that is exempt from Public Records disclosure as defined in FS 119.071. In accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the agency agrees to protect confidential data in accordance with FS 282.3185 and FS 501.171 and adhere to the standards set forth within these statutes. For the purposes of this Agreement, all data is provided. It is the responsibility of the agency to apply all statutory guidelines relative to confidentiality and personal identifying information. The confidentiality of personal identifying information including: names, mailing address and OR Book and Pages pertaining to parcels owned by individuals that have received exempt / confidential status, hereinafter referred to as “confidential data,” will be protected as follows: 1. The agency will not release confidential data that may reveal identifying information of individuals exempted from Public Records disclosure. 2. The agency will not present the confidential data in the results of data analysis (including maps) in any manner that would reveal personal identifying information of individuals exempted from Public Records disclosure. 3. The agency shall comply with all state laws and regulations governing the confidentiality and exempt status of personal identifying and location information that is the subject of this Agreement. 4. The agency shall ensure any employee granted access to confidential data is subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 5. The agency shall ensure any third party granted access to confidential data is subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Acceptance of these terms must be provided in writing to the agency by the third party before personal identifying information is released. 6. The agency agrees to comply with all regulations for the security of confidential personal information as defined in FS 501.171 . 7. The agency, when defined as “local government” by FS 282.3185 , is required to adhere to all cybersecurity guidelines when in possession of data provided or obtained from the Polk County Property Appraiser. The term of this Agreement shall commence on January 1, 2025, and shall run until December 31, 2025, the date of signature by the parties notwithstanding. This Agreement shall not automatically renew. A new agreement will be provided annually to ensure all responsible parties are aware of and maintain the terms and conditions of this Data Sharing and Usage Agreement. In witness of their agreement to the terms above, the parties or their authorized agents hereby affix their signatures. POLK COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER Signature: Marsha Faux Signature Print: Title: Date: Agency: (Enter Agency Name) Holly Hill Road East CDD Signature: Print: (Print Name) Title: (Title) Date: (Enter Today's Date Here) Please email the signed agreement to pataxroll@polk-county.net . 1 Holly Hill Road East CDD Field Management Report | GMS 2025 January 14, 2025 Marshall Tindall Field Services Manager GMS Holly Hill Road East CDD Field Management Report 2 Holly Hill Road East CDD Field Management Report | GMS 2025 Hurricane Reviews Complete Amenity Review Amenity maintenance is satisfactory. Facilities are clean and patron traffic is minimal as normal with cooler weather. X2 bad fans under lanai area were replaced. Bad shower valve was replaced. Repaired playground access gate at Citrus Pointe. 3 Holly Hill Road East CDD Field Management Report | GMS 2025 Complete Landscape Review Overall maintenance has been good. Mowing frequency reduced during winter to safeguard dormant grasses as planned in contract. Dead sabal palm replaced by dog park. Pool ornamental grasses cutback for winter. 4 Holly Hill Road East CDD Field Management Report | GMS 2025 Complete InC Pomropglreetses Site Items & General Maintenance Parking and entrances no-idling signs installed. Entrances for ‘no-idling’ signage installed. Citrus Reserve access gate lock reinforced with chain to prevent unauthorized usage. Outlet added to Citrus Reserve sign lights for holiday décor. 5 Holly Hill Road East CDD Field Management Report | GMS 2025 Coordinating with vendor on approved proposal. Police investigation continued with leads, but no additional information has come to light. Complete Routine facility touchups are being schedule for the offseason. These include furniture cleaning, building cleaning and touch up painting, electrical fixture checks, and other odds and ends following the busy summer season. In Progress Fence Repairs Vendor has started and will continue repairs to accessible CDD fence. 6 Holly Hill Road East CDD Field Management Report | GMS 2025 Upcoming Sign and fence cleaning Vendor has started and will continue repairs to accessible CDD fence. 7 Holly Hill Road East CDD Field Management Report | GMS 2025 Conclusion For any questions or comments regarding the above information, please contact me by phone at 407-346-2453, or by email at mtindall@gmscfl.com. Thank you. Respectfully, Marshall Tindall