Exhibit B Holly Hill Road East Community Development District Suspension and Termination of Access Rule Law Implemented: ss. 120.69, 190.011, 190.012, Fla. Stat. (2023) Effective Date: May 14, 2024 In accordance with Chapters 190 and 120 of the Florida Statutes, and on May 14, 2024, at a duly noticed public meeting, the Board of Supervisors (“Board”) of the Holly Hill Road East Community Development District (“District”) adopted the following rules / policies to govern disciplinary and enforcement matters. All prior rules / policies of the District governing this subject matter are hereby rescinded for any violations occurring after the date stated above. 1. Introduction. This rule addresses disciplinary and enforcement matters relating to the use of the amenities and other properties owned and managed by the District (“Amenity Centers” or “Amenity Facilities”). 2. General Rule. All persons using the Amenity Facilities and entering District properties are responsible for compliance with the rules and policies established for the safe operations of the District’s Amenity Facilities. 3. Key Card. Key Cards are the property of the District. The District may request surrender of, or may deactivate, a person’s Key Card for violation of the District’s rules and policies established for the safe operations of the District’s Amenity Facilities. 4. Suspension and Termination of Rights. The District, through its Board of Supervisors (“Board”), District Manager, and Amenity Manager, shall have the right to restrict or suspend, and after a hearing as set forth herein, terminate the Amenity Facilities access of any Patron and members of their household or Guests to use all or a portion of the Amenity Facilities for any of the following acts (each, a “Violation”): a. Submitting false information on any application for use of the Amenity Facilities, including but not limited to facility rental applications; b. Failing to abide by the terms of rental applications; c. Permitting the unauthorized use of a Patron Card or otherwise facilitating or allowing unauthorized use of the Amenity Facilities; d. Exhibiting inappropriate behavior or repeatedly wearing inappropriate attire; e. Failing to pay amounts owed to the District in a proper and timely manner (with the exception of special assessments); f. Failing to abide by any District rules or policies (e.g., Amenity Policies); g. Treating the District’s staff, contractors, representatives, residents, Patrons or Guests, in a harassing or abusive manner; h. Damaging, destroying, rendering inoperable or interfering with the operation of District property, or other property located on District property; i. Failing to reimburse the District for property damaged by such person, or a minor for whom the person has charge, or a Guest; j. Engaging in conduct that is likely to endanger the health, safety, or welfare of the District, its staff, amenities management, contractors, representatives, residents, Patrons or Guests; k. Committing or is alleged, in good faith, to have committed a crime on or off District property that leads the District to reasonably believe the health, safety or welfare of the District, its staff, contractors, representatives, residents, Patrons or Guests is likely endangered; l. Engaging in another Violation after a verbal warning has been given by staff (which verbal warning is not required); or m. Such person’s Guest or a member of their household committing any of the above Violations. Termination of access to the District’s Amenity Facilities shall only be considered and implemented by the Board in situations that pose a long term or continuing threat to the health, safety and/or welfare of the District, its staff, contractors, representatives, residents, Patrons or Guests. The Board, in its sole discretion and upon motion of any Board member, may vote to rescind a termination of access to the Amenity Facilities. 5. Authority of District Manager and Amenity Manager. The District Manager, Amenity Manager, or their designee has the ability to remove any person from one or all Amenities if a Violation occurs or if in his or her reasonable discretion it is the District’s best interests to do so. The District Manager, Amenity Manager, or their designee may each independently at any time restrict or suspend for cause or causes, including but not limited to those Violations described above, any person’s privileges to use any or all of the Amenities until the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Supervisors that is at least eight (8) days after the initial suspension, as evidenced by the date of notice sent by certified electronic or other mail service or longer if such individual requests deferment of his or her right to due process. In the event of such a suspension, the District Manager or his or her designee shall mail a letter to the person suspended referencing the conduct at issue, the sections of the District’s rules and policies violated, the time, date, and location of the next regular Board meeting where the person’s suspension will be presented to the Board, and a statement that the person has a right to appear before the Board and offer testimony and evidence why the suspension should be lifted. If the person is a minor, the letter shall be sent to the adults at the address within the community where the minor resides. 6. Administrative Reimbursement. The Board may in its discretion require payment of an administrative reimbursement of up to Five Hundred Dollars ($500) in order to offset the actual legal and/or administrative expenses incurred by the District as a result of a Violation (“Administrative Reimbursement”). Such Administrative Reimbursement shall be in addition to any suspension or termination of Amenity access, any applicable legal action warranted by the circumstances, and/or any Property Damage Reimbursement (defined below). 7. Property Damage Reimbursement. If damage to District property occurred in connection with a Violation, the person or persons who caused the damage, or the person whose Guest caused the damage, or the person who has charge of a minor that caused the damage, shall reimburse the District for the costs of cleaning, repairing, and/or replacing the property (“Property Damage Reimbursement”). Such Property Damage Reimbursement shall be in addition to any suspension or termination of Amenity access, any applicable legal action warranted by the circumstances, and/or any Administrative Reimbursement. 8. Initial Hearing by the Board; Administrative Reimbursement; Property Damage Reimbursement. a. If a person’s Amenity Facilities privileges are suspended, as referenced in Section 5, a hearing shall be held at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting that is at least eight (8) days after the initial suspension, as evidenced by the date of notice sent by certified electronic or other mail service or as soon thereafter as a Board meeting is held if the meeting referenced in the letter is canceled, during which both District staff and the person subject to the suspension shall be given the opportunity to appear, present testimony and evidence, cross examine witnesses present, and make arguments. The Board may also ask questions of District staff, the person subject to the suspension, and witnesses present. All persons are entitled to be represented by a licensed Florida attorney at such hearing if they so choose. Any written materials should be submitted at least seven (7) days before the hearing for consideration by the Board. If the date of the suspension is less than eight (8) days before a Board meeting, the hearing may be scheduled for the following Board meeting at the discretion of the suspendee. b. The person subject to the suspension may request an extension of the hearing date to a future Board meeting, which shall be granted upon a showing of good cause, but such extension shall not stay the suspension. c. After the presentations by District staff and the person subject to the suspension, the Board shall consider the facts and circumstances and determine whether to lift or extend the suspension or impose a termination. In determining the length of any suspension, or a termination, the Board shall consider the nature of the conduct, the circumstances of the conduct, the number of rules or policies violated, the person’s escalation or de-escalation of the situation, and any prior Violations and/or suspensions. d. The Board shall also determine whether an Administrative Reimbursement is warranted and, if so, set the amount of such Administrative Reimbursement. e. The Board shall also determine whether a Property Damage Reimbursement is warranted and, if so, set the amount of such Property Damage Reimbursement. If the cost to clean, repair and/or replace the property is not yet available, the Property Damage Reimbursement shall be fixed at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting after the cost to clean, repair, and/or replace the property is known. f. After the conclusion of the hearing, the District Manager shall mail a letter to the person suspended identifying the Board’s determination at such hearing. 9. Suspension by the Board. The Board on its own initiative acting at a noticed public meeting may elect to consider a suspension of a person’s access for committing any of the Violations outlined in Section 4. In such circumstance, a letter shall be sent to the person suspended which contains all the information required by Section 5, and the hearing shall be conducted in accordance with Section 8. 10. Automatic Extension of Suspension for Non-Payment. Unless there is an affirmative vote of the Board otherwise, no suspension or termination will be lifted or expire until all Administrative Reimbursements and Property Damage Reimbursements have been paid to the District. If an Administrative Reimbursement or Property Damage Reimbursement is not paid by its due date, the District reserves the right to request surrender of, or deactivate, all access cards or key fobs associated with an address within the District until such time as the outstanding amounts are paid. 11. Appeal of Board Suspension. After the hearing held by the Board required by Section 8, a person subject to a suspension or termination may appeal the suspension or termination, or the assessment or amount of an Administrative Reimbursement or Property Damage Reimbursement, to the Board by filing a written request for an appeal (“Appeal Request”), as referenced in Section 8(e). The filing of an Appeal Request shall not result in the stay of the suspension or termination. The Appeal Request shall be filed within thirty (30) calendar days after mailing of the notice of the Board’s determination as required by Section 8(f), above. For purposes of this Rule, wherever applicable, filing will be perfected and deemed to have occurred upon receipt by the District. Failure to file an Appeal Request shall constitute a waiver of all rights to protest the District’s suspension or termination and shall constitute a failure to exhaust administrative remedies. The District shall consider the appeal at a Board meeting and shall provide reasonable notice to the person of the Board meeting where the appeal will be considered. At the appeal stage, no new evidence shall be offered or considered. Instead, the appeal is an opportunity for the person subject to the suspension or termination to argue, based on the evidence elicited at the hearing, why the suspension or termination should be reduced or vacated. The Board may take any action deemed by it in its sole discretion to be appropriate under the circumstances, including affirming, overturning, or otherwise modifying the suspension or termination. The Board’s decision on appeal shall be final. 12. Legal Action; Criminal Prosecution; Trespass. If any person is found to have committed a Violation, such person may additionally be subject to arrest for trespassing or other applicable legal action, civil or criminal in nature. If a person subject to a suspension or termination is found at the Amenity Facilities, such person will be subject to arrest for trespassing. If a trespass warrant is issued to a person by a law enforcement agency, the District has no obligation to seek a withdrawal or termination of the trespass warrant even though the issuance of the trespass warrant may effectively prevent a person from using the District’s Amenity Facilities after expiration of a suspension imposed by the District. 13. Severability. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this rule shall be held to be invalid or ineffective for any reason, the remainder of this rule shall continue in full force and effect, it being expressly hereby found and declared that the remainder of this rule would have been adopted despite the invalidity or ineffectiveness of such section, paragraph, clause or provision.